
How to run the examples in Eclipse

  • Download dynamicreports-5.1.0-project-with-dependencies from the download page
  • Copy /examples/eclipse/dynamicreports-examples from the archive to your workspace e.g. /workspace/dynamicreports-examples
  • Copy all files from /lib and /dist folders from the archive to /workspace/dynamicreports_examples/lib/
  • Run Eclipse and import project
    To import a project, follow these steps
    - go to File - Import

    File - Import

    - choose Existing Projects into Workspace
    - click Next button to continue

    Existing Projects into Workspace

    - click the Browse button and find the project on your hard disk
    - select the project
    - click Finish to perform the import


  • Build the project

How to run the examples in Eclipse with maven

  • Download dynamicreports-5.1.0-project from the download page
  • Copy /projects/dynamicreports-examples from the archive to your workspace e.g. /workspace/dynamicreports-examples
  • Run Eclipse and import project
  • Build the project

How to run the examples in Netbeans

  • Download dynamicreports-5.1.0-project-with-dependencies from the download page
  • Copy /examples/netbeans/dynamicreports-examples from the archive to your NetBeansProjects folder e.g. /NetBeansProjects/dynamicreports-examples
  • Copy all files from /lib and /dist folders from the archive to /NetBeansProjects/dynamicreports_examples/lib/
  • Run NetBeans and open the project
  • Build the project

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